TC-Hydro Set "Duo"
Set TC clamping system Hydro-DUO
The complete set of clamping systems
TC Hydro-DUO consists of:
A base plate, 2 pieces of TC clamping systems,
sequential valves, hydraulic hoses,
Quick coupling connection and distribution block
TC-Hydro Set "Tetra"
Set TC clamping system Hydro-TETRA
The complete set of clamping systems
TC Hydro-TETRA consists of:
A base plate, 4 pieces of TC clamping systems,
sequential valves, hydraulic hoses,
quick coupling connection and distribution block.
TC-Hydro Set "Hexa"
Set TC clamping system Hydro-HEXA
The complete set of clamping systems
TC Hydro-HEXA consists of:
A base plate, 6 pieces of TC clamping systems,
sequential valves, hydraulic hoses,
Quick coupling connection and distribution block.
On work
Set TC clamping system Hydro-TETRA
The complete set of clamping systems TC Hydro-TETRA consists of:
One Base plate, 4 pieces TC clamping systems, sequential valves, hydraulic hoses, quick coupling connection and Distribution block.